Tuesday, 21 July 2015

10 things people who wear glasses will undersand

Every single person on this earth who wears glasses will have experienced most of these senarios when it comes to the burden of wearing glasses!

1) Every time it rains, you wish that windscreen wipers for glasses were invented cause either way, you can't see a thing with or without your glasses.

2) You can't enjoy a hot drink without your glasses steaming up.

3) People trying on your glasses and saying, "Wow, you're blind!"

4) Going to the cinema to see a 3D movie and having to wear two pairs of glasses.

5) Having to deal with the torture that is contact lenses.

6) When you take off your glasses and people say, "How many fingers am I holding up?"

7) Every time you lay down.

8) Going to the opticians and not knowing if either 1 or 2 is clearer.

9) People asking, "Can I try on your glasses?"

10) How people who wear glasses see the world.

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